Wednesday, March 11, 2009


My Favorite Author and Book

"Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

We all know that life is full of surprises, like a book every page has its own meanings but what’s important is its content. The content defines what is really meant by the author. Book is where we can get information; inspirational, moral lessons and learning’s that can help you develop your intellectual and emotional aspect. I’m not really reading a lot of books, but since I’ve been taking this course I learned to love books. Now I realized the importance of books. My favorite author is no other than Bo Sanchez. His books are full of inspirations about life with God. I read his books since I start my tertiary level. He inspires a lot of people who are experiencing trials and burdens in life. He shares a lot of testimonies happened in his own life that has great impact to us. He wrote several books about his life experiences. He finds life very interesting and full of challenges. He has a happy family with two handsome sons. He is now living in Manila and continuing to inspire people through his writings and ministries.

Bo Sanchez has strong faith in God. Among his works are How to find your one true love and your past does not define your future. These two books are among my favorites. Bo Sanchez also writes for magazine entitled “Kerygma” it contains stories of faithful souls in the body of believers. I really love being inspired by others because through this I become strong and have enough strength to face challenges that God set for me. Another favorite book is “Your past does not define your future”. It talks about taking our journey as our pilgrimage is not yet over. Our beautiful future waits because our past does not define our future. This book contains good stories about life, the experiences and learning. It also about Bo’s own experiences in life, the book signifies that no one can determine the future. What happens in the past does not define our future; I found myself contentment in reading Bo Sanchez books.


  1. Where's your blog on your experiences making a blog? Deadline was March 13...



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